Friday, June 24, 2011

Great review of New Sauv Blanc


Mike Sinor & Cheri Sinor


The scoop:

Aromatic with grapefruit,Meyer lemon,slate and lime notes & it's got a bracing acidity! The capper? It's $18 a bottle! Buy from

It's International Sauvignon Blanc Day! June 24,2011 is designated as raise your glass to grass day. Okay, we like to play along with days set aside to pop open a bottle and cheer the variety. Wine Region News is all about a well thought out party. Honetly though we were already onboard long ago and June 24 is just another fabulous Friday with a nice glass of Sav Blanc.

Here's our recommendation - and we're making it knowing full well there are at least 15 producers from around here that we buy,drink and serve to our friends and colleagues - it's the Valor 2010 Sauvignon Blanc. Valor is the new second lable from Sinor-LaVallee. It's exciting that Mike & Cheri decided to play around with some of the wonderful vineyards and varieties they have access to here on the Central Coast. We can blow through Sinor-LaVallee Pinot Noirs in an amazingly scary rate in this household. So, with some additional varietals in the case room, maybe we can be distracted for awhile

Okay - enough about us - here's the deal. I think the grapes may come off a vineyard in Squire Canyon just around the corner from our house. Believe me the chilly ocean climate (it's the Pacific people, wear a wetsuit when you come visit us. It's cold not like Florida) is good for producing acidity in the grapes. This wine is very refreshing. We're already thinking of the food that will shine under the light of this wine!

-Lynn Diehl

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