Check out some great local press for Sinor-LaVallee. Thank you to Kathy for a great article.
I tasted your Pinot this past week in San Diego. Wonderful! If I recall correctly, there were two? One was a painted bottle the other with a thumb print is this correct?
Our lable has 2 thumb prints on it. Mike's on the left, Cheri's on the right. As for the painted bottle that may have been a sample bottle that we hand written for out local guy to taste people with.
I tasted your Pinot this past week in San Diego. Wonderful! If I recall correctly, there were two? One was a painted bottle the other with a thumb print is this correct?
Our lable has 2 thumb prints on it. Mike's on the left, Cheri's on the right. As for the painted bottle that may have been a sample bottle that we hand written for out local guy to taste people with.
Mike Sinor
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